Early rockpooler catches the worm?! Welcome to the wiggly worm page!
on a serious note, unusual i know, never underestimate the sheer, amazing, brilliance and diversity of marine worms!
Scroll through the species I have found and photographed rockpooling so far, or search in the bar below.
If I haven’t documented the species you are looking for be sure to check back soon as I update the site reguarily with my new finds!
Alentia geltinosa
Alentia gelatinosa Worms might not be a fan favourite - but I think they are incredible! So many diverse species on the rockyshore, and this is one that tends to pop up often! With its furry looking sides, and scaled appearance (well it is a type of...
Honeycomb worm- Sabellaria alveolata
Honeycomb worm - Sabellaria alveolata If you ever find somehting that looks like a rock made out of honeycomb on the rockyshore - you have found something particulariy special and should take great care not to step on or damage it! This is the home made by...
Lugworm – Arenicola marina
Lugworm - Arenicola marina Lugworm, the favourite bait of fisherman! When the tide goes out and you see the sand covered in lumps made of little winding tubes, well these worms are what make them. They live in the sand and form a U shaped burrow, where they eat...
Green Leaf Worm – Eulalia viridis
Green Leaf Worm - Eulalia viridis For many years I saw green, alien like blobs on my local beach.. and I had no idea what they were from! In fact even the lecturers at uni who I asked didn't know... so I decided to use this very site to help my quest to find the...
Spirobis spirobis
Spirobis spirobis This little worm forms a calcium carbonate, stone, stube to protect itself in. Other species such as Spirobranchus lamarcki does this too, but they can be told apart by the fact that these worms for a spiral in almost a perfect circle. They can...
Eupolymnia nebulosa
Eupolymnia nebulosa Some species have latin names that are down right confusing to say, some have latin names that sounds very bizarre, and some have latin names that just sound so cool when they roll off the tongue like this species here! Eupolumnia nebulosa. A super...
Sand Mason Worm – Lanice chonchilega
Sand Mason Worm - Lanice chonchilga Although you may never rarely see the body of this worm species, the tubes of sand it creates to live in are a staple of any sandy shore! Up close these tubes are becuatiful in there design like trees of sand... but when they...
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