The most famous of the rocky shore inhabitats – sea stars!
Does this mean I am rockyshore paparrazi?!
Scroll through the species I have found and photographed rockpooling so far, or search in the bar below.
If I haven’t documented the species you are looking for be sure to check back soon as I update the site reguarily with my new finds!
Common Brittle Star – Ophiothrix fragilis
Common Brittle Star - Ophiothrix fragilis Brittle stars are beautiful but fragile.... hence the last part of their latin name fragilis. These are one of the rockyshore creatures you should avoid tocuhing when your out rockpooling, because these little fellas...
Starfish – Asterias ruebens
Starfish - Asterias ruebens Everyones favourite rocky shore celebrity - a STARfish! These are actually ferioucous predators... and could we even dare say 'evil'? Well watch this video and learn more for yourselves to decide! But if you want to find these species,...
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