Shell Yes!  This is an awesome bunch of species who decide to set up their homes on seashells attached to rocks!

 barnacles are the best – times infinity

Scroll through the species I have found and photographed rockpooling so far, or search in the bar below.

 If I haven’t documented the species you are looking for be sure to  check back soon as I update the site reguarily with my new finds! 

Acorn Barnacles – Seminbalanus balanoides

Acorn Barnacles – Seminbalanus balanoides

Acorn Barnacles - Semibalanus balanoides  BARNACLES OH MY BABY BARNACLES! If you dont know my greatest love is barnacles, they are staples of the rockyshore, overlooked maginficent tiny beasts! To find out more about why barnacles ARE SO AMAZING, then watch my...

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Black Footed Limpet – Patella depressa

Black Footed Limpet – Patella depressa

Black Footed Limpet - Patella depressa  The Black Footed Limpet, called such because unlike the common limpet the soft snail-like organsims living in the shell is dark... I would show you but I haven't had the heart to pull one of these guys off there rock and...

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Blue Mussel – Mytilus edulis

Blue Mussel – Mytilus edulis

Blue Mussel - Mytilus edulis  Blue mussels are a staple of the rockpooling world. Mussels are soft organsims that grow a strong shell and cling onto rocks with super strong threads. If you find mussels on a shore your likely to find starfish too becayse mussels...

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Spirobis spirobis

Spirobis spirobis

Spirobis spirobis This little worm forms a calcium carbonate, stone, stube to protect itself in. Other species such as Spirobranchus lamarcki does this too, but they can be told apart by the fact that these worms for a spiral in almost a perfect circle. They can...

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Saddle Oyster – Heteranomia squamula

Saddle Oyster – Heteranomia squamula

Saddle Oyster - Heteranomia squamula  For a long time I wasnt sure what these little clear circles were on the rockyshore, until I found one that was a bit more grown up and realised these were saddle oysters. They are smooth, almost clear delicate shells when...

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Tortoise Shell Limpet – Testudinalia testudinalis

Tortoise Shell Limpet – Testudinalia testudinalis

Tortoise Shell Limpet - Testudinalia testudinalis As I am sure many people are, I am a big fan of tortoises! I am also a big fan of limpets, something I suppose is less common. So my oh my when I saw my first tortiose shelled limpet at Dunbar Beach in Scotland...

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Volcano Barnacle – Balanus perforatus

Volcano Barnacle – Balanus perforatus

Volcano Barnacle - Balanus perforatus I love a good barnacle, I also love a species with a cool name so a ... VOLCANO BARNACLE.. thats the sort of creature I like. Names so because well they look like a volcano with much steeper sides than other barnacles! It...

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Common Limpet – Patella vulgata

Common Limpet – Patella vulgata

Lightbulb Seasquirt - Clavelina lepadiformis Ever need inspiration for an idea, ask these seasquirts! Aptly named the light bulb seasquirt because, well look at them they look just like a lightbulb! How amazing, and always such a fun find when your rockpooling. Its...

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