Dr Elizabeth Mills
Marine Biologist and Science Communicator
With 5+ years of science communication experience I produce engaging, enthusiastic and educational scientific content. Much of my work is themed around marine biology, the joy of nature, my research and journey in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths).
I have produced 250+ science videos on YouTube, science shows, public speaking, scientific illustration, comedy and writing. Awarded the 2021 Royal Society Biology Prize for Outreach and Engagement.
To work with me please check out the services I offer on my hire page and/or email me at [email protected]or use my contact form here.

My Science Communication Mission

1) To help break down the barrier that “science isn’t for everyone” – it really is!
Science at its core is CURIOSITY, asking QUESTIONS and WONDERing about the world around you.
It is as simple as that – to have a curious mind is the start to your scientific journey. So the main message of my work is this…
Science can be as simple as putting on a pair of wellies and going rockpooling!
2) To help everyone fall a little bit more in love with our ocean – and in doing so help people to connect and reduce the threat to our oceans. This concept is known as Ocean Optimism and is the central theme in all my science communication.
3) To actively help under represented groups in science, this includes women in STEM careers, LGBTQIA+ and BAME communties, have better representation within scientific fields.

Regular series on the channel includes:
- Exploring Britains Coasts as I vlog my MANY rockpooling trips.
- My own mini documentary series ‘When the Tide Retreats’ all about the life that lives half in the sea and half in the air!
- Sealife Sketchbook Sessions where I tell you the facts about the weirdest creatures you can find in the ocean whilst painting them in my nature journal.
- Global Rockpooling Show! Sharing sealife you have found on the coasts on 6 (so far) of the 7 continents!
TV/Film and Radio

TV/Film Experience:
- Cbeebies – Teeny Tiny Creatures – Scientific Expert on Barnacles Episode (2022)
- Britains Bonkers Beasties – Scientific Presenter (2023)
- That’s TV (2019)
- YouTube – 250+ videos and 125K+ views (2018-ongoing)
Radio Experience:
- BBC Radio Scotland – Out of Doors (2022)
- BBC Radio Gloucestershire (2020)
I have appeared on a wide variety of podcasts, including:
- Beautiful Universe with Jo Durrant (2022)
- Home Brew with Science and Sorcery (2022)
- Nature Journal Show with Marley Peifer (2021)
- Going Live with the Global Science Show with Sam Langford (2021)
- Just the Zoo of Us (Ep 81) with Ellen Weatherford (2020)
- Journalling with Nature with Bethan Burton (2020)
- Grubbing in the Filth with Tom Sharpe (2020)
Science Shows and Festivals
Science Shows:
- Marine Monsters – Cheltenham Science Festival 300 KS2 Students (2022)
- Science and Sorcery Live Show Glasgow – Appeared as panelist/player in Science and Sorcery first live show in Glasgow for a science fact filled game of Dungeons and Dragons.
- Science and Sorcery – Several online live shows (2022 – onwards)
- A Sea of Plastic – Cheltenham Science Festival (2021)- A digital event for children all about the uses and problems of plastic in our oceans.
- Science Sealife Sketchbook – as part of Nature Journalling Week 2020. A free online science show where I gave art tutorials mixed with video dissections and tons of facts to share about amazing animal evolution!
Science Stalls:
- Dynamic Earth Edinburgh (2022) – all about how scientists study the ocean, from diatoms to seals, rockyshore to plankton! This stall was visited by almost 1000 kids/families asking questions not just about the amazing sealife but about the scientists too!
- Marine Outreach at Anstruther – An investigation into the local marine life with the local community. Microscopes next to the beach, it couldn’t have been more perfect!
- Glasgow Science Center – Curiosity Live! (2019) – Make Your Own Marine Monster
- Mid-Lothian Science Festival (2019) – Make Your Own Marine Monster

Example Science Stall: Make Your Own Marine Monster!
This stall teaches people not only about the amazing rockpooling creatures on their local beaches – but gets them to think about ecology too!
During this activity children learn about how each animals moves, feeds, and protects themselves – they then pick their favourite ways – to form their own rockpooling monster.
One of the greatest joys to seeing childrens eyes light up at creating a funny name of their creature, and when they then explain to me all the details about how their new monster will live in the sea and what they eat.
In the space of ten minutes I see children absorb so much wonderful scientific information with ease and use it to have so much fun! The best moments of all is when I point out what they are doing is science, and how excited they get is one of the greatest feelings.
- Hosted Conference Session ‘How Art-Science Collaborations can Inspire Societal Change‘ at Challenger Society 150th Conference in London (2022)
- FameLab a Celebration – Cheltenham Science Festival (2022)
- Being a Marine Biologist School Talk (KS1 and KS2) (2022)
- Marine Biology as a Career – School Talk (Lower Sixth/S5) (2022)
- OmniScience School Careers Lecture – (16-18 Year Olds) (2021)
- Royal Society of Biology Awards – My Science Engagement ‘Rock n’ Roll’ (2021) – a talk on my science communication journey and style as I accepted the award for 2021 Royal Society of Biology New Researcher Engagement Award.
- British Council – Hall of FameLab on Climate Change – a talk on inspirational women climate change (2021)
- Scottish Winner and UK Finalist of FameLab 2020 – an award winning 3 minute talk on my research – judged on content, clarity and charisma!
- 3 Minute Thesis Competition (2018- 2020) University of Dundee Winner 2020
- Global Science Show – an online science sharing show (multiple talks ongoing since 2020)
- Women in Science – Diversity in Science (2020) – an inspirational evening and talk where I told my journey as a women in science.
- Soapbox Science – Edinburgh (2019) – standing on the Royal Mile in Edinburgh shouting about my science (in the pouring rain) was amazing fun!
- Scottish Graduate School of Social Sciences – Using creativity to beat the PhD Stress (2019) Institute of Materials, Minerals and Minerals Young Persons Lecturers Competition at Swansea University (2017) – What we can learn from natural materials?
- Climate Smarts for Marine Scientists – Course Teacher/Facilitator (2023)
- FameLab Academy Mentor 2020 and 2021 – Teaching/mentoring a class of aged 13/14 how to do public speaking, build confidence and perform a 3 minute talk
- Presentation and Outreach Skills – University of Dundee Undergraduate Students (2020)
- Rockpooling Ecology/Marine Biology Demonstrator at Swansea University (2017)
Standup Comedy
- Ugly Animal Preservation Society at the Edinburgh Fringe with Simon Watt – a 10 minute set in Simon Watts show where comedy is used to bring light to an endangered UGLY animal. I chose the humble, hairy legged Horseshoe crab!
- Zoo-LOL-ogy – an online science themed stand up comedy night
- Saltire Flash Presentation for Food, Natural Resources, Agriculture and the Environment (2022)
- 3 minute thesis competition – University of Dundee (2021)

Network and Development Officer for People Ocean Planet (POP) (2021-2023) Based at University of St Andrews
- Lead on the creation and launch of Ocean Partnerships – a new marine network which connects researchers, artists, science communicators, policy makers, across sectors and disciplines to meet and collaborate.
- Lead on and managed the creation of the Ocean and Climate Change – Digital Science Kit for Schools. A free online science kit which was share via the Science Share for Schools in 2022. Involved in managing a team of researchers to produce content for the science kit, then undertook the design and final edits to make appropriate for the age range of 11-14 year olds.
- Hosted conference session on ‘How Art-Science Collaborations can Inspire Societal Change‘ at Challenger Society 150th Conference in London (2022)
- Behavioural Change Evaluation and Reporting for Mapping Ocean Change Through Art Project and helped with Art-Science community workshop
- Social Media for the POP twitter account
Marine Alliance for Science and Technology Scotland (MASTS) – Network and Development Officer (2021-2023)
- In this role I developed a large network of contacts across marine research, policy, the arts and science communication.
- Supported 12 research forums (groups of experts in marine topics) in outreach, communications and networking to help increase interdisciplinary collaboration and impact.
- Help organise the MASTS Annual Science Conference 2021/2022 – including chairing sessions, video editing and event photography.
- Hosted MASTS webinar series and online events.

Network and Development Officer for the Sustainable Management of UK Marine Resources (SMMR) (2021-2023)
- Lead on the development of the SMMR-Net training plan – including recruitment of trainers, budgeting, hosting training sessions over zoom and feedback
- Lead and hosted the SMMR-Net Webinar Series
- Helped organise the SMMR Conference 2022/2023
Experience working with reporters and producing press releases:
- ‘Dundee-based YouTube Star wants to protect Fife Beaches’. The Courier (2022)
- ‘Dundee Student Elizabeth Finds Sand Gobied and Multi-Coloured Sea Slugs and she Goes Rockpooling’ The Courier (2019)
- Dundee University Student Launches Documentary Series about Scotlands Marine Life. The Evening Telegraph (2019)
- Royal Society of Biology Outreach and Engagement Award Winner – 2021 (new researcher category)
- Scottish Winner and UK Finalist of Famelab 2020
- 3-Minute Thesis Competition – University of Dundee Winner 2020
Contact Me – either use this form or email me at [email protected]