Seasquirts, sponges, bryozoans, stalked jellyfish, hydroids… etc.

ok. Don’t panic, just read the below descriptions to work out what type of species you have, and see if it then matches up with the pictures below. B

Grows over surfaces and in hard/rough to touch – Bryozoan

Grows over surfaces and soft and spongy to touch – Sponge

Blob, often with transparent/translucent quality, squirts water out when lightly touched? – Sea squirt

Delicate, looks like small weeds or flowers – Hydroids

Upside down jellyfish often attached to seaweeds? – Stalked Jellyfish

Scroll through the species I have found and photographed rockpooling so far, or search in the bar below.

 If I haven’t documented the species you are looking for be sure to  check back soon as I update the site reguarily with my new finds! 




Hydroids You are unlikely to be able to tell the different species of hydriods on the rockyshore, without taking them back to a lab with a good microscope, so I have grouped them together. So what even is a hydroid? Well if I said the words 'jellyfish plant' I...

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Breadcrumb sponge – Halichondria panicea

Breadcrumb sponge – Halichondria panicea

Breadcrumb sponge  - Halichondria panicea WHO LIVES ON THE ROCKS UNDER THE SEA... and also above the sea when the tide is out....THE BREADCRUMB SPONGE pants.  Catchy right?  If you are going to find any sponge on the rockyshore, all of which are tricky...

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Sea Squirt

Lightbulb seasquirt – Clavelina lepadiformis

Lightbulb seasquirt – Clavelina lepadiformis

Lightbulb Seasquirt - Clavelina lepadiformis Ever need inspiration for an idea, ask these seasquirts! Aptly named the light bulb seasquirt because, well look at them they look just like a lightbulb! How amazing, and always such a fun find when your rockpooling. Its...

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