Welcome MarineMumbles o-FISH-al page for UK rockyshore fish! 

Scroll through the species of fish I have found and photographed rockpooling so far, or search in the bar below.

 If I haven’t documented the species you are looking for be sure to  check back soon as I update the site reguarily with my new finds! 

Solenette – Buglossidium luteum

Solenette – Buglossidium luteum

Solenette  - Buglossidium luteum   One of the many flatfish species that like to use rockyshores as nursery grounds when they are younger! These cute little flatfish can be told apart from the other species by the row of spots down the edge of their fins, which look...

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Long-Spines Sea Scorpion – Taurus bubalis

Long-Spines Sea Scorpion – Taurus bubalis

Long-Spined Sea Scorpion -  Taurus bubalis   This fish is an incredible find on the rockyshore, and one thats often overlooked because it often almost perfectly blends in with its surroundings! Although it might have a 'scary' name, this species is...

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Sand Goby- Pomatoschistus minutus

Sand Goby- Pomatoschistus minutus

Sandy Goby  - Pomatoschistus minutus Now this is a tough fish to spot, except when you rockpooling you might see this fish 100 if now more times in one trip because 80% of the little creatures you see dart before your eyes too quickly to spot will be this...

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Plaice – Pleuronectes platessa

Plaice – Pleuronectes platessa

Plaice - Pleuronectes platessa Where is your plaice in the world? On the rockyshore! Thats because rockyshore are great nursery grounds for baby flatfish - so if you head down to the shore late spring to summer, and just watch the sand in the bottom of rockpools you...

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Tub Gurnard – Chelidonicthys lucera

Tub Gurnard – Chelidonicthys lucera

Tub Gurnard - Chelidonicthys lucera UK fish get a bit of a wrap for being boring and colourless compared to their tropic fish friends... and ok... sure most don't have lumiscent stripes, or disco colouration BUT a few fish species do! The tub gurnard is one of them,...

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Dab – Limanda Limanda

Dab – Limanda Limanda

Dab - Limanda limanda Dabs are flatfish, named so because well this group of species is very flat. They live on the sandy surfaces both on sandy shores and rockpools where there amazing sand colourations means they blend in almost perfectly. This helps them not get...

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Common blenny – Lipophrys pholis

Common blenny – Lipophrys pholis

Common blenny - Lipophrys pholis A zippy little fish you can find in rockpools from right at the top to the lower shore. They usually vary slightly in colour dependng on the colour of the rocks/seaweeds of the local shore, they can be gree, grey and brown. These are...

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Butterfish – Polis gunnellus

Butterfish – Polis gunnellus

Butterfish - Pholis gunnellus  Finding a fish on the rockyshore is always exciting! Although a first sight you might think youv'e found a mini eel, but a butterfish has a redder/browner colour and gorgeous dots along its back. Its a pretty common fish on the...

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Two Spot Goby – Gobiusculus flavescens

Two Spot Goby – Gobiusculus flavescens

Two Spot Goby - Gobiosculus flavescens A fish species that looks like it belongs in the tropics rather than the uk! They can be bright colours, to almost translucent with two distinctive sports to tell it apart from other simillary sizes, fast swimming little...

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