Crabs, lobsters, hermit crabs just the coolest group of species on the planet.
I take being crabby as a compliment, who wouldn’t want to be like a crab?!
It should be noted, that lobsters and hermit crabs are also included in this page! Although not crabs, they do look like them so to help people ID them I have grouped them all together.
Scroll through the species I have found and photographed rockpooling so far, or search in the bar below.
If I haven’t documented the species you are looking for be sure to check back soon as I update the site reguarily with my new finds!
Broad-clawed porcelain crabs – Porcellana platycheles
Broad-clawed porcelain crab - Porcellana platycheles Think a crab couldnt be fluffy! Well think again, look at this fluffy fella! Broad-clawed porcelain crabs (wow thats a mouthfull) love to live on the bottom of rocks, so if you turn over a rock dont forget to...
Long-clawed porcelain crabs – Pisidia longicorns
Long-clawed porcelain crabs - Pisidia longicornis This little crab is a delight to find, its small, sometimes a beautiful bright red colour with markings. It can be told apart from the other similar species the broad-clawed porcelain crab, by well the name...
European Lobster – Homarus gammarus
European Lobster - Homarus gammarus Lobsters are one of the most awe inducing finds on the rocky shore. Lobsters love to live under rocks, often where they tide has eroded rocks so that a lobster can squeeze in and out but nothing else can. Being bright blue...
Hermit Crab – Pagarus bernhardus
Hermit Crab - Pagarus bernhardus WHAT LITTLE LOVELIES! Hermit crabs bring pure joy to anyone who finds them rockpooling - the East coast of the UK seems to always be particulary full of them too. Not true crabs, these little creatures need to find shells of snails to...
Edible Crab – Cancer pagarus
Edible Crab - Cancer pagarus This species is as close as youll get to a calm crab, well on the rockyshore perhaps. Rockyshores tend to be great places for small juviniles to live, but they can get much larger, with much scarier claws out to sea. Its these larger...
Common Shore Crab – Carcinus maenas
Common Shore Crab - Carcinus maenas I bloomin' love crabs! The common shore crab is a staple of the british coast, rare is the rockpool where you dont cross paths with these creatures. They love to scuttle, abloe to move quickly about the shore on their...
Squat Lobster – Galathea squamifera
Squat Lobster - Galathea squamifera Now these are jumpy, ninja like creatures which are very hard to capture on fim or photogrpah. For something that looks like a poor lobster has run really hard into a brick wall, these things can move FAST! They are not true...
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