By-the-wind-sailor – Velella velella

By-the-wind-sailor – Velella velella

Although the by-the-wind sailor closely resembles a jellyfish it isn’t actually one. It is a relative of the jellyfish, but it’s actually a colonial hydroid. A hydroid on its own looks something between an anemone and jellyfish, they are like tiny...
Coral Weed – Corallina officinalis

Coral Weed – Corallina officinalis

When you think of the British coastline you would never naturally think of corals. Although corals cannot be found in intertidal areas, a very beautiful seaweed whose name is inspired by the tropical organisms can. Corallina officinalis is a beautiful seaweed, ranging...
Common Octopus – Octopus vulgaris

Common Octopus – Octopus vulgaris

Its the start of 2017 and with so many people attempting to change at this time of year, why not study the master colour changer of the sea. Octopuses are incredibly gifted at colour change, I could never fully grasp all the amazing colours that they can be but below...
Porcupine Fish – Diodon hystrix

Porcupine Fish – Diodon hystrix

The porcupine fish is often confused with the puffer fish, as they  look very similar. They are actually closely related but porcupine fish are part of the Diodontidae family whereas pufferfish are part of the Tetradontidae family. The main way to tell these two...
Noctiluca scintillans – Sea Sparkles

Noctiluca scintillans – Sea Sparkles

This post is part of the marine mumbles christmas tree posts, view here.  I have had the pleasure of seeing bioluminescent algae twice in my life so far. Both were part of my marine biology undergraduate course but both times were at opposite ends of the globe. The...
Upside Down Jellyfish – Cassiopea xamachana

Upside Down Jellyfish – Cassiopea xamachana

Upside down jellyfish are exactly what the say they are. They are the jellyfish that ignores the rules, push the boundaries and decide the best thing to do is plonk themselves upside down on the sand and stay there. Why bother floating around, when you can get all you...