by MarineMumbles | Jul 5, 2020 | Red Seaweeds, Seaweeds, Species List
Bunny Ears – Lomentaria articulata This is one of the lesser known red seaweeds – which is a surprise because it has such a cute name. And no wonder it has this name, because these little seaweed looks just like little bunny ears. GALLERY HAVE...
by MarineMumbles | Jul 5, 2020 | amphipods, Other Species that move, Species List
Amphipods Amphipods are curious little critters – with over 9,900 species described worldwide! Some in the UK include sandhoppers, which can often be seen jumping through the seaweed washed up on the shore. Although they may look like little aliens, a good...
by MarineMumbles | Jul 5, 2020 | Shells Attached to Surfaces, Snails, Species List
Black Footed Limpet – Patella depressa The Black Footed Limpet, called such because unlike the common limpet the soft snail-like organsims living in the shell is dark… I would show you but I haven’t had the heart to pull one of these guys off...
by MarineMumbles | Jul 5, 2020 | Shells Attached to Surfaces, Species List
Blue Mussel – Mytilus edulis Blue mussels are a staple of the rockpooling world. Mussels are soft organsims that grow a strong shell and cling onto rocks with super strong threads. If you find mussels on a shore your likely to find starfish too becayse...
by MarineMumbles | Jul 5, 2020 | Crabs, Other Species that move, Species List
Squat Lobster – Galathea squamifera Now these are jumpy, ninja like creatures which are very hard to capture on fim or photogrpah. For something that looks like a poor lobster has run really hard into a brick wall, these things can move FAST! They are not...
by MarineMumbles | Jul 5, 2020 | Shells Attached to Surfaces, Species List, Worms
Spirobis spirobis This little worm forms a calcium carbonate, stone, stube to protect itself in. Other species such as Spirobranchus lamarcki does this too, but they can be told apart by the fact that these worms for a spiral in almost a perfect circle. They can...
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