by MarineMumbles | Jul 5, 2020 | Crabs, Species List
Common Shore Crab – Carcinus maenas I bloomin’ love crabs! The common shore crab is a staple of the british coast, rare is the rockpool where you dont cross paths with these creatures. They love to scuttle, abloe to move quickly about the shore...
by MarineMumbles | Jul 5, 2020 | Red Seaweeds, Seaweeds, Species List
Coral Weed – Corallina officinalis This seawwed is a great one to use as a way to capture the attentioon of anyone who thinks seaweeds are boring.. which is of course not true! Named coral weed, because like the oceans famous favourites corals, this...
by MarineMumbles | Jul 5, 2020 | Snails, Species List
Spotted Cowrie – Trivia monacha Cowries are Cool – should that be on a t-shirt? These little snails have a gorgeous indented shell, which when you touch is feel silky smooth. Thats because the mantle, which is basically snail skin, covers not only the...
by MarineMumbles | Jul 5, 2020 | Fish, Species List
Dab – Limanda limanda Dabs are flatfish, named so because well this group of species is very flat. They live on the sandy surfaces both on sandy shores and rockpools where there amazing sand colourations means they blend in almost perfectly. This helps them not...
by MarineMumbles | Jul 5, 2020 | Anemones, Species List
Dhalia Anemone – Urctinia felina Dhalia Anemones are always an unexpected treasure – fans of living partially burried in sand, finding one can really feel like youve just found a flower in the middle of a desert. These large anemones, with long tentacles...
by MarineMumbles | Jul 5, 2020 | moving shells, Other Species that dont move, Other Species that move, Species List
Common Cockle – Cerastoderma edule Common Cockle is a staple of any sandy shore. Cockles live in the sand, but everyone who has walked along the beach and taken notice of washed up shells would have noticed cockle shells. But if you look walk on sandy shores...
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