Spirobranchus lamarcki

Spirobranchus lamarcki This is actually a species of worm but you will rarely see the worm itself (except I was lucky enough to film in the below video), because it forms a calclium carbonate stone shell around itself for protection. These white tubes often covers...
Beadlet Anemone

Beadlet Anemone

Beadlet Anemone – Actinia equina  Beadlet anemones are one of the most common species you will find on your local rockyshore. They mostly red, but can vary in colour from brown to yellow. When closed they look like a small red blob, but in the water they...
Two Spot Goby – Gobiusculus flavescens

Two Spot Goby – Gobiusculus flavescens

Two Spot Goby – Gobiosculus flavescens A fish species that looks like it belongs in the tropics rather than the uk! They can be bright colours, to almost translucent with two distinctive sports to tell it apart from other simillary sizes, fast swimming...