Starfish – Asterias ruebens

Starfish – Asterias ruebens

Starfish – Asterias ruebens Everyones favourite rocky shore celebrity – a STARfish! These are actually ferioucous predators… and could we even dare say ‘evil’? Well watch this video and learn more for yourselves to decide! But if you...

Common Whelk – Buccinum undatum

Common Whelk – Buccinum undatum The common whelk, are the big cousins of the dog whelk. These snails are what you eat if you are a fan of getting whelks from seafood stalls… though it is one of the seafoods I have yet to try. You may be more familar with...

Pepper Dulse – Osmundea pinnatifida

Pepper Dulse – Osmundea pinnatifida A small, sticky up seaweed which is edible! Though even if it is edible…its defiantly a taste experience. As you can tell because of the name it is peppery, and also very irony… a distinctive taste.  GALLERY HAVE A...